
How handsome are the instagrams of strangers?

Answers are just questions in containers.

Love you! I miss you, maybe see you later.

I grasp at it like its hot steam,

My friends are passing through my life like a dream.

We're all looking at the same things on different screens.

I can't tell you what it's meant to me.

Uh oh.


Hey Mike whenever the school year ends, let's teach each other to be men.

got a lot of clothes that we'll have to mend, making something real out of just pretend.

if that changes, can we still be friends?

cause that's right!

You shouldn't believe what they say Mike, they're calling us psychos cause they're scared to call us dykes!

That's so funny, man it a frenzy, everyone's enemies- look what she said to me!

A whole fucking diatribe from her restless mind.

of lies!

I think that we should be brothers Mike, if I make you mad, I can make it right!

You can have my stuff if I really die, but not you Mike- I want you to survive.

Don't go backwards- don't be a sacrifice!

You're like light!


I cut my face, I know my place, I try to get the closest shave.

I go outside, I watch my pride, I'm tired trying to be brave.

You're just so close to me, you're overly invested, it's not safe.

We're making broken glass to see if we are living in a cage.

Nobody wants it- Nobody wants it- Nobody wants it- We all see.

There was a warning, it was recording, everyone swarming- you on me.

And the process made me cry.

Turned around- identified.

And you really let them do that, because you're ashamed of me.


Blank cars and currents swirling, whole new world, a girl could fucking scream.

You shut your mouth, you cut it out, I'll gut you til you're fucking clean.

You're white and worried now, well hurry now, before you're curdled cream.

You're just your job, we're not your problem, we don't want your reformed dream.

Nobody wants it- Nobody wants it- Nobody wants it- We all see.

Say they'll correct it to misdirect us- they don't protect us- We all see.

That the process took his life.

Turned around- identified.

And we really help them do it. Cause we're part of the machine.


Who the fucking is asking and who wants to know? Who is asking?

I respect your authority- I suspect you'll put horns on me.

I wa in the car, I was in the car, I wasn't driving.

I resent your authority, I suspect you'll put horns on me.

Name, address, and history- They want the fucking sob story but-

They won't take the horns off me, get off- get off of me-

Between the bars- between the bars, I was drunk as hell and I was in a cell.

Can't be innocent in a cell. Why do they try to tell rebels from criminals?

It's the same struggle- they share a cell. Crime keeps us fed as well.

Crime keeps us fed Yvette. It keeps us together yet, they tear us apart Yvette.

They tear us apart Yvette!